Join the NEW O2C Brands Wholesale Portal

Hellooo!  We are thrilled to hear you are interested in o2c brands!  We’ve been working on some cool products and would be delighted to show you.  Before we get started, there’s a little bit of paperwork we need to get done.   

Below is our special application for new accounts. To keep things simple for first timers, we only require a few fields to get the process going. Please note, we will require all of the below information to approve you before we can set up your account, so please provide as much information as possible. After we’ve reviewed all the details, one of our AWESOME sales team members will contact you to advise which products you are eligible to purchase.  They will even help you with your first order!   And don’t forget, please review the Terms and Conditions of Sale. 

One quick bit of housekeeping: O2COOL, Treva, LunchBots, bobble, EcoVessel, UKonserve and Green Sprouts products are only available for resale through your own branded website(s) and/or physical stores.  Our products are NOT available for resale/distribution on,,,, and other similar non-reseller branded internet commerce marketplace websites. Signing the below account application confirms your acknowledgment of these terms and conditions.

Thank you for your interest in o2c brands!

Eric Lockwood, CEO of O2C brands